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9 Ways to Stick to Your New Years Fitness Resolutions!

It's easy to make New Years fitness resolutions, the real challenge arrives when you need to put them into practice and stick to them for the long-term.

DYK: 60 percent of people who make resolutions give up on them by February?

Here are 9 ways to turn those fitness goals into reality this 2020!

1. Start by asking yourself, "WHY?"

It is important to ask yourself why this fitness resolution is important to you on a deeper level. What drives you? What's motivating you to make the change? What gets you out of bed in the morning and keeps you up at night? Pinpoint exactly what exactly what that something is and use it to push you to keep going, especially in those moments when you feel like giving up.

2. Be specific. Write it down & set a deadline.

Sometimes when we set goals, we are tempted to leave it vague and open-ended to leave ourselves some wiggle room. Truth is you are far more likely to stick to your goal, if you make it as specific as possible. Write it down and display it. Determine exactly what you are going to do and when you are going to achieve it.

3. Start small & build momentum.

If you try to change too much at once, you are just setting yourself up for failure. Break your fitness goals into a smaller series of challenges and make sure you celebrate EVERY victory along the way. Fitness lifestyle changes are hard, so cut yourself some slack and focus on the progress you are making, no matter how small it may seem.

4. Make yourself accountable.

Accountability is huge when trying to achieve any goal. Find a way to hold yourself accountable, whether that means getting a workout buddy or joining a bootcamp, or keeping a journal detailing your progress.

5. Measure your progress every step of the way.

Tracking your progress matters! It helps you determine how much exercise you are currently getting and allows you to see your progress over time. At SWEAT we make use of monthly fitness and measurement assessments to help our clients track their progress. Keeping track helps you stay on track.

6. Don't rely on motivation alone.

A new year often feels like a fresh start, and the perfect opportunity to make healthy lifestyle changes. Problem is, the motivation that comes along with a fresh start can quickly disappear. Anticipate that and prepare for those days when your motivation wanes. Focus on building healthy habits that will help you power through those days.

7. Focus on fun.

When it comes to long-term change, FUN is fundamental. It is hard to consistently force yourself to do something you hate. So, if running or weight lifting are not for you, pick a sport you used to play as a kid. Listen to your favourite podcast or playlist at the gym. Do everything you can to make your physical activity enjoyable.

8. Strive for consistent action & sustainable change.

Leading an active lifestyle isn't going to happen overnight. Your mind and body need time to adjust to the routine - even when those routines are healthy.

9. Make sure it is all about YOU!

Too often we make a fitness resolution simply to live up to some societal standard. If you want to effect long-term change and become more active throughout 2020, do it for you - not to impress people you don't even know on social media.

If you need a helping hand in achieving your fitness resolutions for 2020, we at SWEAT FITNESS are here!

Get in touch with us via email at

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