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New Year, New You??

Predictably exercise and nutrition are common elements on our wish list that are amplified with the dawn of a new year!

Most people would like to lead healthier lifestyles, because such changes are likely to positively influence almost every aspect of their daily lives.

The first few weeks of January are often spent making those resolutions a reality, but somewhere along the line a vast majority of us are back to exhibiting the same unhealthy habits we once swore never to repeat again. The cycle of constantly setting New Year’s resolutions and failing at them, can be demorsalizing for even the most optimistic individual.

The question remains, how can we stick to your resolutions this year and avoid making the same resolutions come 2020. First of all we think it is important to realize we can have resolutions at any time of the year. If you consciously make a decision to change a particular habit it doesn’t matter what time of the year you do it. Instead of making a resolution with a deadline that must be met before the New Year try setting small, attainable goals throughout the year. Remember, it is not the extent of the change that matters, but rather the act of recognising that lifestyle change is important and working toward it, one step at a time.

By making your resolutions realistic, and giving yourself adequate time to reach your goals, there is a greater chance that you will keep them throughout the year, incorporating healthy behaviour into your everyday life. Start small and work your way into making changes that will become part of your lifestyle. A great example of this is if you aim is to exercise more frequently, try scheduling three or four days a week at the gym/ bootcamp instead of seven. Overloading yourself will result in you skipping days and giving up on your resolutions all together. Additionally if eating healthier is your main priority, try replacing dessert with something filing and enjoyable, like fruit or yogurt, instead.

It is important to note that unhealthy behaviours develop over the course of time. Thus, gradually replacing unhealthy behaviours with healthy ones requires time. Don’t get overwhelmed and think that you have to reassess everything in your life today. Instead, work toward changing one thing at a time. Do not forget to record your journey, even on bad days that you may encounter. Having a record of your progress will encourage you whenever you may need some motivation.

Lastly consistency is the only way you will be able to tick off your resolutions and register them as completed!

Let's work!

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